It's my seventh day at Mineral School.
I have two favorite places I visit every day.
The Bat-house and the cemetery.
You can sort of see a small bat -
just coming out from below the gutter
and to the right of the chimney.
Friday I went to Paradise on Mt. Rainier
where the flowers were at peak bloom, at least the avalanche lilies
and Indian paint brush.
Bill came up for a visit and we hiked up Morain Trail to where
we could see the Nisqually Glacier and the melt that becomes
the mighty Nisqually River.
Yesterday we all went to the lake
for a swim and to say goodbye to our dorm mom, Jess,
and welcome our new dorm mom Putsata.
I have been writing more the last few days
less visual art
though this week I hope to get some work on the press.
Yes, I brought a portable press and it is in the school gym
waiting for me, patiently.